Whenever I'm notified that a homeowner is in default on their mortgage, I simply send them a note card telling them I can help them save their home from foreclosure by selling their home as a short sale. I understand some homeowners may toss it in the trash and that's the end of that. But for many homeowners, they do call and ask questions about how I can help them. Some call when their husband's are at work because they haven't told their spouse yet they are behind in payments, some call before they head to work so that none of their coworkers will over hear them, but I applaud all of these people that make the call.
However, I do find many homeowners pay a loan modification company or started a loan modification on their own and they have no idea where they are at in the process or if the company they hired really did everything they get to get a modification approved. I can help you with finding those answers.
And for those that know that staying in their home is just not an option, then I can help. Not all Realtor's are the same and the one you don't want to hire is someone who doesn't truly care about the difficult time you're going through, tells you your house isn't worth much and they don't know if it will even sell, tells you that ALL Realtor's hate doing short sales and that most don't close, or the one that sticks a sign in your yard, puts it in the MLS and then seems to disappear. I actually like selling short sales and I'm good at it. I love when the papers are signed at closing and the sellers finally feel some relief from all the burden they've felt in the past year trying to figure out how to keep their home knowing that they simply can't afford it anymore.
So please call. Let's have a conversation about the right option for you and your family!
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